Category: Calendar
March 4-6, 2016 Bassmasters Classic – Tulsa, OK
I’m really excited about appearing with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at the Classic. I’ll be working in the Kid Casters booth and will also spend [...]
Feburary 4-7, 2016, FLW Tour #1 – Okeechobee Clewiston, FL
I’m excited about the tour opening up on Okeechobee again. I love this big lake and really enjoy staying at Mary Ann Martin’s in Clewiston. Results [...]
January 28-30, 2016 BASS Southern Open – Toho Kissimmee, FL
I made the money on Toho at the FLW last year but plan to fish Kissimmee this time around. Plan to throw Zoom UV Speed Worms, Zoom Trick Worms and do [...]
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